Friday, December 22, 2017

19 Months Old!

Dearest Goose,
You are now 19 months old and the words keep coming! Lately you're obsessed with "WahDoo" aka water, and request it all the time. Particularly when you don't want to do something, like go to sleep or leave someplace you're playing. The stalling techniques are amazing, you're a pro already. Also high on your list of favorites is KEEEEEYS! You love to play with MY keys, only the real deal sets are acceptable. I even have work keys that I let you play with and you're not into them, only the super important ones will do. You like to put keys into any hole they'll fit in, especially on the subway or bus. You like the carry them around and get upset if we try to take them for safekeeping. And if you need your hands free, you'll carry them in your mouth

You continue to be very busy, arranging things just so, the way you want them. Another favorite activity is taking extra pump parts and building a pump/bottle combination (100% accurately, even with the filter!) and then turning on the breast pump and pretending to pump. Suuuper cute and funny. You also think that most things are better OUT of the box they came in, like granola bars, envelopes and tea bags.

building the pump and bottle

taking a break after making sure the tea bags are all out of the box

You are also a competent climber these days, taking yourself up the climbing structures and various apparatus at the playground. You climb WAY higher than you are tall, sweet goose, you're SO strong

You also like to climb up to reach things in the house. A common sight is you running from place to place with a step stool, ready to get yourself closer to whatever action is going on

gotta get the spare keys!

gotta go through the remote control basket!

You feed yourself these days and hummus is high on your list of favorites. But you've also added some new things like guacamole, vegetable korma and popcorn. You still love broccoli and cauliflower but have cooled on the sausages and cheese. And you are obsessed with apples, calling every fruit that remotely resembles an apple APPLE and requesting them all the time. You don't really eat them all that much, but you love talking about them.

hummus and a spoon: perfection

You have also started brushing your teeth, which you LOVE. You yell "teeeeeth!" and grab your toothbrush and follow your sister around the house. All of your teeth have come in except your second molars, so we're hoping for a little teething reprieve. 

The big news of the past week is that you now LOVE going to child watch at the Y. Up until now, you would cry and cry even going in the room and now, BOOM, you're super into it. They have great toys and you settle in and barely say bye bye to me. It's so great to see you so much more interacting with the world and enjoying it. We really have so much fun!

Friday, December 1, 2017

18 months!

Dear Goose,
You have SO much personality! Lots of strong opinions and quite an independent streak. Your preferred mode of transportation is your own two feet; the stroller and carrier are met with "no!" most of the time. And you really can walk decent distances! I'll carry you across the streets, but you walk the blocks, sometimes close to a mile.

taking a quick break while walking to swipe a credit card on a lamp post

The words are flowing, sometimes daily. You say "please" and "thank you!" Which is sososososo cute. You always sign "please" when you say it, too; it's double cute. You still sleep with us and nurse through the night, and about 4:30 every morning you sit up and say please, meaning you want to switch to the other boob.  Other new words are doggie, mine, cheese, shoes, and ball. Oh, and Elmo. A fascination with Elmo is budding...

You love a song from Signing Time about families. The song is called In a House, In Home, and you request it by saying "me me me." You reeeeally like this song and request it a LOT.  You also request "row row" with frequency, and love to pull on my resistance bands while you sing row row row. Truly, though, you like all sorts of music and dance when we put almost anything on. You also like to twirl and will often and twirls to the dances.

oh, yeah, we sang "row row" a bunch this day!

You also love to climb! Holy cow, it's a bit frightening sometimes! One day to we're playing with your sister and I came back into your bedroom to find you on the top bunk! Yikes. 

so many climbing opportunities!

We have become an expert blower, blowing both your nose and bubbles with accuracy. This came in very handy as you spent a large chunk of your 17th month being pretty boogery. The god news is that all of your teeth save one (lower right canine) has erupted and we hope to be done with teething until your 2 year molars come in.

Your stats at 18 months: 32.3 inches (61%), 24lbs 14oz (75%) and totally on target with all your motor and verbal skills. You did NOT enjoy your 18 month check up, screaming the *entire* time, but you calmed down as soon as you were able to go play in the waiting room.