Friday, September 16, 2016

Four Months Old!

Dear sweet Goose,
You are four months old! You just recently found your feet and while they haven't made it to your mouth quite yet, it's only a matter of time. Because everything else goes directly to your mouth. You are really enjoying chewy toys, the plush animals with fun noises are okay, but Sophie is your favorite. Though fingers and nipples are okay too. Yeah, ouch, little Goose!

You are starting to enjoy playing on your back with toys above you. You have to be in a certain mood, but you like to hit the toys and watch them swing.

You are getting a little ticklish, too! If I tickle your tummy, you'll let out a little giggle! So far it's only for me, Daddy really really tried so hard to get you to laugh and you make him with for it. But you're starting to see how silly he can be

Sunday, September 11, 2016

16 weeks old!

Dear Goose,
You are now 16 weeks old and the newest development this week is raspberries! Instead of only drooling constantly, you now joyfully spit bubbles at us, too.

You are still all about things in your mouth, though we've basically given up hope on the pacifier. Fingers (yours or anyone else's) and toys are your preferred oral fix. And mostly to gnaw on, not suck, except when you're falling asleep. You primarily sleep on us, we haven't even tried transferring you to your bassinet for naps. The first thing you do when waking up is blow raspberries. So so so freaking cute.

The other new development is laughing more than a little. You kind of laugh your ass off if something strikes you as funny. Mainly your sister. You have an adorable throaty laugh and when you get going it almost sounds like hiccups on speed. You laugh with your whole body, bouncing with joy. And it's infectious, your laughter sets off anyone nearby into fits of giggles. You are so much fun!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

15 weeks old!

Dear Goose,
You are 15 weeks old now and, wow, what a fun stage we're in! You laugh daily now, though what you find funny changes and is unpredictable. One day it's Daddy saying "Ba BOO!" over and over again, the next day it's being tickled on your tummy, then another just because we're making silly faces at you. You love to look at yourself in the mirror when I'm holding you, but when your sweet sitter does it, you cry. (Clearly you understand what a mirror is!) You have mastered the tummy to back roll, sometimes doing it several times in a row when I put you on your playmat. Though sometimes you just hang out on your belly, too.

 Look at that strong neck and belly!!

You are drooling a TON these days. I keep a soft cloth in my pocket and in the carriers I use to wipe your chin. Sometimes we don't catch it and the front of your shirt is soaked. It doesn't bother you, so it doesn't bother us. Along with the drool is the constant hands in your mouth. You almost always have at least one hand in your mouth. You suck your fingers to soothe yourself, you gnaw on your finger joints for fun, you grab toys and clothes and carrier edges and other people's fingers and taste them...I think I say "wow, delicious fingers!" a hundred times a day

Delicious fingers!

At 15 weeks you still don't have any discernible schedule. Some days you'll take a nap for 2 or 3 hours in a row, other days you'll sleep no more than 45 minutes at a time. Some nights you'll sleep in your bassinet for 6 hours before snuggling up next to me in bed to nurse the rest of the night, others you won't transfer at all. 

One long nap allowed me to actually get some work done!

No matter what your sleep/wake/feed cycle has looked like, you're most often calm, happy and content. You have started babbling more and it's the cutest thing ever. Daddy says you sound like R2D2 and I think you sound like you're singing. You are as delicious and amazing as ever and we just keep falling more and more in love with you!