Sunday, July 15, 2018


Dearest little Goosey,
You are TWO! And there's so much two-ness going on. You are talking up a storm, playing pretend all the time, getting yourself dressed, taking off your own diaper, requesting specific food (GACAMOLE!!!), tickling people (particularly that one morning at 6 am where you told me you were going to wake your sister up by tickling her, then did it), and generally marching to the beat of your own drummer.

You are a daredevil and love to use the couch, the table and the top bunk as launching pads. When we ask you to get down, you ignore us. Flat out, total, completely unacknowledging that we're talking to you at all. It's amazing. And terrifying. Though you follow almost every scrape, tumble and scratch with an immediate "I ok!"

this is you showing off your first black eye-you got it running right into a table corner. At high speed. After being told several times NOT to run where we were. For the next week, all you would say about it was "eye better!"

 Dressed up and sitting on the arm of the couch

 Up on a "balance beam" walking to the playground

 Using the Citibike docks as a climbing structure

You have the classic adorable toddler speak, referring to yourself as "me" and making negatives as "no." For example, "Me no want that."

Today, you came inside with your boots on. "Mama HELP!" "Do you want help taking your boots off?" "Yeah....tank oo" "Hey, Goosey, can you put those boots by the door?" "No, I can't. Mama do it"

taking a selfie

This is 20 minutes past bedtime 

 You're very into your goggles

 Cutting your own toenails

 This is what you put on to take out the garbage

 you LOVE playing in water. 


BUDDA. Easily in your top 10 favorite foods. You like to eat it with a knife

You sing all the time, humming while nursing, signing to me and everyone when you wake up, any time you drop something you start signing "clean up" and associate swimming with the songs we sing in the pool. 

You bring so much joy and laughter and fun and love to our house, little Goose. We are grateful every day that you chose us