Friday, March 9, 2018

21 months old!

Me dearest goose,
Oh, man, are you amazing!  The words are coming and coming; this morning you pointed to a picture of an orangutan and said "monkey." I had no idea you knew about monkeys! You also tell stories about events, recalling details with words and gestures. For example, we went to Family Swim a couple of weeks ago and you will keep telling people about it: "pool! goggles! hat! backpack! noodle! bubbles!"  Yep, we went to the pool, you and your sister wore goggles and swim caps. You got a flotation backpack and she got two pool noodles. And you both blew bubbles in the water!  You will also tell us who did things for you. So if Daddy says, "you got dressed!" you will say "mama!" meaning I helped you get dressed.

You are also stringing words together. Waiting at the bus stop: "where bus?" Getting ready to leave in the morning: "I do shoes!" (and you do!) And, of course, "more chocolate, please!"

en route to the pool. You were very excited and wanted to wear your gear 

Speaking of getting dressed, you are very opinionated about what you wear. Sometimes we have to change your outfit a few times before leaving the house because you discover something better. Sometimes you simply layer on more and more items. You are also into accessorizing, particularly with headbands. Also of extreme interest are grown ups' shoes and anything ballet themed.

watching big sister's dance class, reeeeally wanting to participate

 this is my scarf!

when I exercise at home, you do, too. In my workout gear.

arabesque at your ballet class!

You are very curious about everything in the world, asking "why" constantly. Often you will ask why and we will answer you and  you will nod your head and say "oh" as in "oh, right, that makes sense." You are also just starting the why why why's where you'll ask why, then why again and again. You are moving around int he world, little goose, and finding your footing in it. It's so much fun to watch!

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