Friday, August 3, 2018

26 Months

Dearest Goose,
We are happily in the twos these days. You have a very specific agenda of what you what, how you want it and when you want it (often "in two minutes").

You are big into imaginative play these days. You love to put on fashion shows, talk on the phone, take care of your baby dolls,

talking to Daddy on your "phones"

 ready for a fashion show

 trying to balance a tiara on your head, to complete this outfit

Your motor skills are so strong. You jump, climb, scoot, jump into the pool, run, and hang. You love to be lifted up to turn lights on and off and to pull the cord on the fan/light in the bedrooms to turn on the fan or adjust the light. Your verbal skills are also amazing. We communicate so well, I can usually tell exactly what you're telling me. You tell me what you want, what you are doing, what you did with your babysitter, what book you want to read (you are loving Daniel Tiger these days, which you call "The Neighborhood"), if you pooped, what you want to wear, if you need help, etc etc. It's really fun. 

In addition to your favorite Daniel Tiger book at bedtime, you really love a lot of books. Other big faves these days are Everyone Poops, the Knuffle Bunny series ("bunny books"), My First Colors ("rainbow book"), Curious George and various board books. You are an engaged reader, saying "UH OH!" when Trixie loses Knuffle Bunny, signing along to songs in books, describing pictures and talking about characters. 

You recently starting says "I love xyz" and "I love you." It's the best, little Goose. We love you so much!