Wednesday, April 11, 2018

22 Months old!

Dearest little Goose,
Twenty two months has seen an explosion of motor skills, including jumping (which is your favorite way to go down stairs and exit anything with the slightest height) and mastering of your sashay (which is your favorite way to move, period).

you're going to jump off this step stool any minute!

We've also had an exponential explosion of words (I know I say that every month and every month it's true!) and a lot of little sentences. You sleep with an Elmo and Minnie Mouse doll and when you woke up a few days ago, we couldn't find Minnie. So you kept calling all over the apartment: "Miiii Mouse!! Arrre Choo!?" (Translation: Oh, Minnie Mouse! Where are you?) You know the words to numerous songs and sing along to the Moana soundtrack, Vered songs, Annie (which you call Anna) and the American childhood canon. You told our super that your beloved babysitter has a tattoo on her butt (it's on her hip, but you love to tease her). You relay stories of the day: mama! poop! shoe! yuck! (I stepped in dog shit. It made an impression).  And everything is met with WHY!?  And when we answer, you often nod solemnly and say "ohhhh"

We're seeing so much of your personality shine through and it's super fun to watch. You are just as stubborn as everyone else in your family and want to do things your way, on your own time.  For example, you're really not into sitting in your high chair at meals. You prefer to stand on the foot rest and eat, or sit in a grown up chair. Last night you stood on your seat rest, putting you up higher than we were comfortable with. Daddy told you sternly to get down. You replied, just as sternly, NO.  Okay, then, it's clear who's boss in this family!

You always want to be part of the action, whatever that is. You rely on your vast network of step stools and are always trying to reach higher.

Mama, I really need whatever is up here. 

Some more of you this month:

this about sums everything up perfectly