Wednesday, January 31, 2018

20 months old!

Dear Goose,
Life at 20 months is pretty great. You are a such a competent communicator! So many words these days, and the beginnings of phrases. You are also recognizing familiar images, like the Y logo, Elmo and Minnie Mouse ("meemus!") When we're at the Y, sometimes I'll by you a snack from the vending machine and you choose between Pirate Booty and pretzels very clearly.

You are very particular about accessories and what you want to wear each day. Sometimes you bring me overalls ("jingles!") and sometimes specific pants. You looove wearing your boots and often wear them even if the weather doesn't require them. Sometimes you put them on with your PJ's (you have about a 50% correct foot rating) and wear them in the house.

You continue to eat with gusto. You don't have much of a sweet tooth, though you do love chocolate. You prefer your oatmeal with butter and cinnamon, like spicy sausage better than regular hamburger, love guacamole over plain avocado and request hummus by saying "hummus! spoon!"

eating hummus with a spoon!

Your motor skills continue to blow me away. You are trying to scoot when the weather permits, you hang from the monkey bars for 15 seconds at a time, then want to do it again and again, you climb up climbing structures and LOVE to dance. You mimic your sister's ballet moves all the time: twirling, arabesqueing, tondu! You always want to wear ballet slippers and even like reading books about ballet. You call it "balbay".  You also have quite the fitness repertoire! Squats, lunges, rows, planks, pushups and running in place-you do it all! 

 And, in a completely unexpected twist, you are potty training yourself! You still wear diapers all the time out of the house, but you pee and poop on the potty at least once a day. Sometimes you say POTTY and we'll help you get your clothes off, sometimes you're already running around naked and will just go. But we've started having you sit on the potty before bed every night just for fun and it's been pretty great. Your diapers don't overflow overnight and you feel very proud of yourself!

 potty AND boots! What could be better?

Just in case someone takes me swimming right now, I'm ready!

You love having your family all together and will often ask for the family members who are still away. When you're with your sitter, you'll begin asking for mama. When I come home, you ask for "Ayla" and once we pick her up, you start requesting Dadu.  You are super snuggly and sweet and love to be read to and held. You have started running to your sitter and hugging her legs as soon as you see her, then doing the same for everyone in the family. Your uncle Ross was visiting last week and  you were completely enamored of him, giving him lots of hugs and requesting to be in his lap as often as possible. 

You love to laugh and make people laugh. You love to sing and will often sing to yourself when you're in the stroller. Elmo's Song is a big favorite, but also Twinkle Twinkle and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. You bring so much joy into our home and the world, little goose, we just love you so much